Thoughts that spill out of my head into the internet ether. Who am I ? I'm a juggler comedian / talent agent who works and lives near Ottawa, Canada. Want to know more. Read on.. but it's not all for the faint of heart.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


I woke up yesterday morning , looked at the weather, did a little internal survey of my mouth (which hurt) and made the call that I wasn't going to do shows. I was just going to see Star Wars.

And that was our day! We did the dishes hurriedly ran out the door and bought tickets to see Star Wars. Our plan worked out well.. we boght tickets, went and had a quick lunch (where we informed the waitress of our plan to see Star Wars, got back from lunhc about 30 minutes prior to the movie to find some reasonable seats (the two last reasonible seats - after that point the seats started sucking.)

Star Wars was killer. Plenty of lightsaber battles balanced with a love story that actually worked (unlike episodes one and two where the "affectionate scenes cause a gagging reflex.) The plot whipped along, all of the loose ends got wrapped up, and did i mention the lightsaber battles?

"This is how our liberty dies, with thunderous applause."

Best quote of the movie. Well that and everything Yoda says/does. I read an article about the similarities between the movie and American politics. Funny how alike the situation is (totally coincidental as well) with the Americans starting/continuing wars in the name of liberty.

Today is the start of a relatively normal workweek for me! I won't be drugged up all week (well part of the week, i'll be taking the occassional Tylenol 3. Advil doesn't count as drugs.


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