Star Wars Revelations
Yesterday, fater reading a rather s cathing review of the last two Star Wars movies I was put on to a fan movie of Star Wars that got a great review. The movie titled "Star Wars Revelations" wasn't as good as the reviewer made it out to be.. there were obvious problems (ie Jedi's in leather, looking more like characters from the Matrix than monks), and a pretty weak two handed lightsaber fight. These are the differences in pro vs amateur films. Obviously the producer/director is a ravin Star Wars fan, and not delving too deeply into the philosophy of Lucas' films.
Last night i went over to Jeff's and watched Forgotten. Cool movie. There's a surprise moment that happens while the lead copule are driving along in a car that makes the whole movie worth watching. It would have been awesome too see that in the thearte. Forgotten was a neat thriller / sc-fi meets real world film. Again it's one of those films (like Men in Black or the Matrix) that make you question your reality, and the realm in which we exist. Movies like that rock - they definately help you forget about your credit card debt.
Today it looks like it's raining. That sucks - i was hoping to have a garage sale. It's still not too late, i could pack up a bunch of stuff and take it to the school, and rent a table - it's just tempting to actually chill out and not do to much.
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