Thoughts that spill out of my head into the internet ether. Who am I ? I'm a juggler comedian / talent agent who works and lives near Ottawa, Canada. Want to know more. Read on.. but it's not all for the faint of heart.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Feeling like a kid

I Just got back from Jeff's house, where we played video games.. playing this game "God of War" for the PS2. It's the best game ever. I said that about the Lord of the Rings, then the Two Towers, but this game really is the best one ever. Jeff and i both play plenty of games, but this one has stumped us both at different times.. it's a real gamers game.

On the way over I bumped into some of the neighbours who were out walking their dogs. We were all walking in the same direciton, and literally two houses down.. Was chatting with them a bit how I felt like a kid "Going over to a friend's house to play video games."

Today was a pretty good day. Got my car fixed up (which didn't cost me.. but I found out that another repair is in order.. grr.) Then I got a hot lead on a welder, that happens to live within 1km of my house. This is a big deal seeing as I live in the middle of nowhere. Foudn out that the welding job i'm looking to have done will cost me something like $20. Also managed to buy a new prop case, a few pairs of pants (which I plan to get hemmed tomorrow) and things are rolling along tickety boo for plans for my solo - show and marketing campaigns. It's all going quite nicely.

Song of the day was "If I had a million dollars" by the Barenaked ladies

Quote of the day "It doesn't matter who you vote for the government always gets in"
(not sure if I've used that one before but it came up.)


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