Thoughts that spill out of my head into the internet ether. Who am I ? I'm a juggler comedian / talent agent who works and lives near Ottawa, Canada. Want to know more. Read on.. but it's not all for the faint of heart.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

woooo eee

So i've been sleeping for at least 10-12 hours, and just popped a new Percoset about an hour ago. Certainly not feeling any pain.

The worst part of the whole procedure wasn't them ripping the teeth out (the cracking and grinding counds were admittedly not pleasant) but it was the bleeding. My mouth bled alot, i went through plenty of gauze, and after two hours and some ice, the bleeding stopped. This morning i'm delighted to find no blood in my mouth.

While the dentist was drilling or sawing or whatever he was doing, i could hear the zee zee whooo whoo of the drill. I kept thinking - just think of Star wars sounds. it worked. Plus I was way gassed, so it wasn't very hard to relax. The dentist said "you're a hero"... thanks doc. It was my toes that were really the heroes. I could feel the gas going right to them, and i emoted any discomfort that i was feeling through them.

I had the dentist and the assistant laughing pretty good. They gave my mouth a good rinse and I said the they hygenist "You'd be great at parties". "Rinse over here please.. yeah with the hose.. I also thought of a fwe good lines while they were working in my head. "My dentist works by word of mouth."

hmm yeah, feeling pretty bleary, i might go find some video games, or a movie or breakfast or seomthing. Maybe breakfast and then bed again.

In answer to my neighbours question about my wisdom teeth"Yes two of them were impacted, they were a bitch to get out." I'm thinking of having my teeth mounted like a hunting trophy.


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