Thoughts that spill out of my head into the internet ether. Who am I ? I'm a juggler comedian / talent agent who works and lives near Ottawa, Canada. Want to know more. Read on.. but it's not all for the faint of heart.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Honda Cowlick

It's official the onion is freakin hilarious. I'd read it every day, but I don't think that they update it that quick.

Had a great day yesterday, It's official, I'm cowing up my car! we (The Cowguys) had to sell our Cowavan due to high kilometers (it had 265,000km on the odometer), a failing engine, and high gas prices. If i'm commuting 40km to work with any regularity then a vehicle with a 3.0L, V6 engine isn't for me. The van was brilliant, it had the word "COWAVAN" replacing CARAVAN, and moo as the third eye brakelight. I hope to do something equally stellar with the new/old car.

In the adbsence of said Cowavan, last year I purchased a much more modest, smaller 1992 Honda Civic. Strategically it's in a dark grey colour. I'm planning on putting white vinyl spots on it, and slap on all sorts of signage. I'd like to cover all of the rust spots with vinyl.. making my slightly rusty looking car look brand spanking new! Look out world, bring on the roads. The car does have almost 200,000 km on it, but it is a Honda.. and I just put a new engine, and new tires on it. I hope it lasts forever. (and it will likely last even longer as a Honda Cowlick.)


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