Thoughts that spill out of my head into the internet ether. Who am I ? I'm a juggler comedian / talent agent who works and lives near Ottawa, Canada. Want to know more. Read on.. but it's not all for the faint of heart.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Work clothes

I just sat down to do some office work before I leave for a show, and I realized that i'm in some rather unusual work clothes.

I'm in a pair of silky boxer shorts with red hearts all over them, and a "FISH HAPPENS then you die!" T shirt. I will be addding a layer before my show. "Not that kinda show!"

You have to love working at home!

My attire will not have me acting any less professional with my clients.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

New Yoyo

Just got a new shipment of toys.. including my new favorite yoyo the yoyo factory 401k. It's KILLER!

Of course I was playing with it alot today. I was showing my neighbours my new toy (with 7 around the worlds. They were impressed. I went for another around the world and the yoyo flew off the string and in slow-mo landed on my neighbour's truck. Turns out his truck (which is a work truck) scored two little dents (you can't see them unless you look really closely) while my BRAND NEW YOYO got chipped. There is no justice. I apologoized profusely, but my neighbour didn't mind. He was laughing...

It's been my experience that yoyo's with bearing axles don't wear down the strings alot. Turns out I've never played with a 401K.

Oh well.. It's not ruined, just seen some action.


Big news! Carrie and I are pregnant!

We are currently 14 weeks in (I could be wrong) but things are going well. Carrie is well.. the baby is growing. Next week we should get to hear a heartbeat. That's gonna be neat.

All told I'm slowly adjusting to being a Dad. It's a big transition (from man-child to father) I think I'll handle it OK.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Human Statues

I've spent the past few days working away on producing some human statues for the grand opening of an art gallery. The opening was tonight, things went swimmingly. We had nothing but rave revues about the costumes, and the actors I had out did a great job.

Behind the scenes... Immediately before the event we were trying on all of the costume pieces. The top I'd made for my copper lady, fit wonderfully before the paint. The paint had caused the top to shrink, and an otherwise flowy top was converted to a bristly small headache. We ended up having to cut it a bit, then two of us pulled and prodded to get the top on my actress. After a few touchups with scissors and makeup it ended up looking great.

Photos soon. Of course the one thing I forgot was my digital camera. We did get plenty of photos with other cameras, and we might even make press with the Ottawa newspapers.