Thoughts that spill out of my head into the internet ether. Who am I ? I'm a juggler comedian / talent agent who works and lives near Ottawa, Canada. Want to know more. Read on.. but it's not all for the faint of heart.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Me Today

Here's a photo of me... today. I spent the day hanging out with the family and working in the office. Outside it was a glorious sunny winter day. We had a good dumping of snow yesterday, so combined with the -15c Temperature, and the blanket of snow it really felt like winter.

Things have been great.. We had a great holiday at home, and I'm recovered from a really busy December. It's nice to have some slack time.

Caleb is doing excellently well. He's put on at least 5 lbs since he's been born (5lbs in 7 weeks is pretty good?)

Like the hat in the picture? It's a Pook Toque. Found it at an event I worked last Dec.. It's warm, and made of socks... and you wear it on your head. Convieniently it's also reversable.. so you don't have to look like a complete moron at the mall. But at home it's cool to look like a moron. I've been telling Caleb "hat's like this are normal". I can pretty much guarantee that he's going to have a skewed version of "normal."


Blogger steve and Jenna said...

Hi Brian,
I do check every so often both your site and Caleb's. I laughed about what you were saying about hats because i still have the silly hat from back in the day that we all bought at the Ex that turns into a bag. People always ask where i got it. I hope all is well with you. I am glad we ran into you at the game but sorry we could not talk more. Hell, you are taller than me on a regular day so on stilts it just was not going to work. Perhaps sometime soon we can do dinner

7:34 PM

Blogger Tony Pook said...

Hi There! I'm at an internet cafe in the south island Koh Pangang Thailand laughing out loud! Were you the guy on stilts?! Just for fun I googled 'Pook Toque' and found your posting and photo. Really funny. Its funny to me because I invented the Pook Toque and its quite rewarding to see things like this. I'm a commercial diver in Ottawa during the summer, toque guy fall/early winter. I'm very happy you are actually getting use out of it. Its takes a certain type of person to be able to wear it in public (I enjoy the attention). So, I want to tell you about the newest "Brainwave" I've had. Theyre called 'Pook Dukes' I might spell duke 'dook' not sure yet.They are mits made out of the same socks with fleece. Very warm, and they look great. I'd love to send you a pair for free! You can contact me through the website '' or my hotmail account ''. I'm hangin out in Thailand till April so wouldnt be able to get you a pair till mid summer but you wont need them till next winter anyway. Hope to hear from you! Enjoy the weather!

Tony Pook

4:40 AM


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