Thoughts that spill out of my head into the internet ether. Who am I ? I'm a juggler comedian / talent agent who works and lives near Ottawa, Canada. Want to know more. Read on.. but it's not all for the faint of heart.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

pig dog weekend

Just back from pig dog weekend - the annual weekends away with the boys from the family.

The blackflies were horrible when we got up on Friday. I didn't really get how bad i'd been bitten until I got home. Bites everywhere.. even in my bellybutton.

It was worth it.. Drank alot of beer, fished too much (probably on the lake for 7 hrs yesterday.) and had some fun hanging out around the campfire. life is good.

PIctures to follow.. bug bites and bass.....

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Geeking out.

Just got back from a show, where i met up with this guy who i hadn't seen in years. He was from my old juggling crowd, and I totally don't remember his name. Anyways, he put me on to this Chris Bliss spoof video by Jason Garfield. As a juggler, the Chris Bliss footage really is'nt that great. As this guy put it "it would take us like an hour to learn that" This Jason Garfield footage on the other hand rocks.. check it. So now i'm geeking out watching crazy juggling videos online.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Old hard copy journal stuff

Was flipping through an old journal looking for some notes.. man i found some cool stuff.

From July 3 / 2000
"Prick the muse with a pin, and hope he writes a poem"

from Jan 30, 200
"A chuch is not a museum for saints but a hospital for sinners." - Dear Abby

W.C.W. "This is Just to Say" (reprinted)
I have eaten
the words
that were
in your poem

and which
you were probably
for the garbage

Forgive me
they were fruitless
so flacid
and so stale.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bachelor Parties

Last weekend saw me and the guys going out for a bachelor party for man Jeff. We had a great time.. BBQ at my place, a few beers, wrestled in the SUMO suits, followed by a road trip to MTL, and a visit to a few "clubs." And I don't mean dance clubs.

On the way to MTL i had to stop for gas. We called the other car on our cell.. they pulled off the highway. I was convinced that the rest stop was on the other side of the highway, so I drove over. The other car followed. Once I started driving over the highway, I realized that yes, the rest stop was on the side we were leaving from. So I pulled over and waited for some traffic to pass before pulling a U turn.

Jon - who was driving the other car for of bacholer guys, was one of the cars behind me. He didn't shoulder check and pulled a hard U turn.. not noticing the giant semi behind him. In the backseat of his car he had Ryan say "Jon, big truck, big truck, BIG TRUCK! BIG TRUCK!" The semi layed on the horn.. Needless to say at the gas station Ryan asked if he could ride with us. Jon was also playing the music from Anne of Green Gables. Awesome.

All told it was a great trip. we consumed too much beer and had a great time.