no snow.
Oh yeah. And all the snow melted and the flowers are coming up. Yay spring!
Thoughts that spill out of my head into the internet ether. Who am I ? I'm a juggler comedian / talent agent who works and lives near Ottawa, Canada. Want to know more. Read on.. but it's not all for the faint of heart.
I just got back in the door from the latest ISME - the 10th edition of a cabaret hosted by some of the Company of Fools here in Ottawa. It's always a raucous night of theatre, you never know whats coming on next, and it's always a good time.
So I'm now Daddy Daycare. Carrie is back at work, and I'm running the office and looking after Caleb. Luckily I have Stacey in full time, so we can still get lots of work done, and effectively raise Caleb. It's working out far... (knock on wood)
Well I'm sick. Was fighting this bad chest cold thing, that went on for tgwo weeks (the running length of the virus.) It looked like I was in the clear, feeling good for about a week, and then Kapow.. it's back, right in time for new Years. But it's cool. I'm stil having fun, getting a few things done, shopping, and spending time with family. All the fun stuff.
It's been a weird night. On my way home from a show and Chiro I stopped to check out a few people, one of whom looked injured on my street. I stepped out of the car, and quickly realized that it wasn't a person that was injured, but a dog that had dropped dead. The owner was slumped over top of the dog, sobbing, keeping it warm. I had a cell, so the son (of the lady on the dog) borrowed it to call Dad who was just a few minutes away.