Thoughts that spill out of my head into the internet ether. Who am I ? I'm a juggler comedian / talent agent who works and lives near Ottawa, Canada. Want to know more. Read on.. but it's not all for the faint of heart.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

My walking Lampshade Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 02, 2005

my cat the lampshade.

So Annie had a messy looking (raw) chin for about a week. It looked as though she'd been in a fight, so we kept an eye on it. Then, one morning, Carrie noticed a few spots of blood uder the cat, she picked Annie up, Annie then promptly shoook her head, and sent blood flying all over Carrie's fresh shite blouse. That's the morning that I took her to the vet (the cat not Carrie)

A long 10 minute MEEEOOW filled drive later, and our cranky cat was at the vet. It turns out that Annie has kittie acne. Wacked. So now Carrie, and myself and even the cat have bad skin. Annie must have been pawing at her chin which opened up. So now she's on antibiotics and she's wearing a satellite dish syle collar on her neck. Annie has been slinking around the house for a few days...She didn’t do so well with the collar on for the first while. She would bump into something.. get snagged on it, then back up until she bumped into something with her butt. It was pretty funny (in a bad way.) Now she's just cranky - mainly about the satellite dish, and not being able to go outside. Another day or two, and she'll be outside with no satellite dish collar.

Trying to give her a pill is a real treat. While at the vet's the vet showed me how to give a cat a pill. She showed me "this is how we open the cat's mouth. Now usually the pet will open their bottom jaw, but Annie was clenching hers shut. The vet was incredulous "I've never seen a pet not open their mouth like this before." Yes.. Annie is special. So the vet had to use the pill-er (a little piece of plastic that helps get the pill at the back of the cats throat. After the incident at the vets, we've just taken to mashing the pill up in her wet food. Of course the cats only usually get wet food once a day, but now we have to feed them twice a day as Annie needs her pills that often.

Waldo is going to get fatter.